Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bible + GPS = Bottom of a Lake

If the believer's GPS is the bible, then they really are up shit creek without a paddle, and that means they're paddling through the shit with their hands. Why is this an issue for me? Think about it; GPS units sometimes have the tendency to instruct you to turn left into an open field, thus misdirecting the person using it. This obviously leads to problems.

The main argument I have gotten from this so far is, 'Oh, but a GPS unit is a man-made device, so...-' This is an extremely weak argument because the bible is also a man-made device, and it was NOT god-inspired. Many people who have picked up the unholy book and believed its contents have also committed crimes and used the words within as an excuse. If you find that hard to believe, look up the story of Andrea Yates. You'll shit yourself.

The bible, for the GPS it is, has been the subject of debate for centuries in the fact that many people talk about the direction they want their lives to go, or which way the bible leads them, or the direction that god has planned for them. For some people, this GPS has provided some relief in the form of not going completely batshit crazy. For others... check out the story of John List.

In conclusion, I can only say that humans are trying to improve GPS systems each and every day, so that eventually the electronic devices won't misguide us into a lake. As for the bible, well, the improvements that are made are pushing it and its laughable religion further and further towards mythology, which is where it needs to be. A secular world is a sane world, and one without the dominant control of religion leaves it free to roam in whatever direction it so pleases.

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