Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Do Your Knees Hurt?

It's also hard to prevent your cell mate from shagging you when in such a position. There are too many perverse comments I could offer to the message being given here, but will not give them. Instead, I will offer my usual snarky logic on what dark truths this message is trying to give us.

I am -very- well aware of what this sign is intended to mean. The intended meaning behind this is that when one stoops to his knees to humble himself and pray before god, he is given the strength to overcome the trials and obstacles that lay upon his path. This is the christian meaning behind this.

The dark truth? It is extremely difficult for one to defend himself when down on his knees. The christian dogma for centuries has put the idea into many a person's head that they are unworthy subjects of god's love and compassion, and that only by asking for his forgiveness and acknowledging his only son will they be given clemency. Just what is it that we're supposed to be forgiven for? The sin of being human? If so, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. Religion has always been and always will be the greatest stumbling block for human beings and it is the -one thing- that holds us back as a species.

So, while it is hard to stumble when you're on your knees, it is also difficult to make forward progression of any sort. Ever tried walking on your knees? It sucks. But by standing up [for yourself], opening your eyes, and taking careful steps to avoid obstacles, you can overcome your own trials without requiring much help. Sure, you may need help eventually when you don't know what to do, but turning to the bible isn't going to help you. Try asking your neighbor, or one of your friends.

Think about it.

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