Friday, August 6, 2010

God Is Back-Asswords

The message on this sign has got to be one of the biggest lies ever told. Aside from the fact that God has never been anyone's best friend, whoever came up with the idea for this message is clearly trying to compare a genocidal maniac with a loving, loyal companion. Modern-day Christians try to inform the world daily that God loves each and every one of us and wants to have a personal relationship with his children. The big problem with this approach is that it's extremely hard for me (and millions of other people) to believe this kind of garbage when God has the bloodiest history known in any book in existence.

Dogs, although capable of being savage animals, can be trained with affection and devotion to become guards, loyal companions, guides for the crippled or blind, and even hunters. God, on the other hand, is supposedly beyond human control and can do whatever he wants. According to the bible, however, there's no compassion to be had in this being whatsoever. He has punished the human race for being true to their nature on more than one occasion, slaughtered his creations many times over for crimes as huge as disobedience or as slight as forgetfulness, cursed many people with diseases, misfortune or what-have-you, and all for what? This so-called 'best friend' even condoned the death of infants by allowing them to be dashed against stones (Psalm 137:9)! What kind of madman do these brainwashed fools worship anyway?

Compared even to a mistreated pit bull, God is the furthest thing on the visible spectrum from being anyone's best friend. I'd rather have the seat torn out of my pants by a dog anyday than for anything this God could dish out to happen to me. One only needs to look at the many stories in the bible to see how much of a pissing contest God has had with himself just to prove his power: Job, Pharaoh, Adam and Eve, Noah, David, and even his own son, Jesus Christ. Dogs don't do this; if someone who owns a dog is being threatened, chances are that dog is going to jump to his master's defense in any way it can. God, on the other hand, is quick to judge and condemn which is unfortunately excused by Christians by them claiming that he's the ultimate authority and shouldn't be questioned. I've already gone into some detail about what I think about authority being questioned.

In short, it doesn't matter how 'God' is spelled, he's still going to carry with him the same bloodstained past and the same immoral actions that he's always had, making him the most ass-backwards creation most people have ever heard of. Apologizing and making excuses for this deity don't make a difference for what he did, even if he is the ultimate authority. I, for one, will never worship a being that sees fit to kill someone for simply disobeying a command, even out of forgetfulness. Now, if you'll excuse me, my dog needs a walk.

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